Emergent: Journal Of Educational Discoveries And Lifelong Learning (EJEDL)

Publisher: Indonesian Journal Publisher
Country: Indonesia
ISSN (online): 2776-0995
Editor-in-chief: Prof.Dr. Abdul Rahmat
Direction: Artificial Intelligence in Education, Technology Access Gap, Integrated Learning Systems, Computer Assisted Instruction, Web-based Instruction, Virtual Learning, Outcome based education, Pedagogical initiatives, Educational Advancements, Teaching learning practices

Magazine Description: Emergent: Journal of Educational Discoveries and Lifelong Learning (EJEDL) is a scholarly peer reviewed international Journal.  The journal implements double blind peer review for articles. The research manuscript have to pass through the plagiarism check before allotted to the reviewers. The open access journal ensure the quality of published articles. Educators and researchers over the world are invited to publish their original discoveries in educational practices from perspective of lifelong learning.
Indexed by: Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, IFSIJ, neliti, ResearchBib, One search, Open DOAR, Zenodo, OpenAire, BASE, CiteFactor, DRJI, PKP Index, One Repo, WorldCat, J-Gate



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